Alison Dart Psychotherapy

FAQ #01

Frequently Asked Questions

What is counselling?

The focus in counselling is on problems in your present life. This may be a particular crisis, like relationship breakdown, bereavement, unemployment or a decision that needs to be made. In counselling you will be helped to talk about your feelings in this situation and to identify and improve your ways of coping in order to find the best way forward.

What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy involves a broader view of you and your experiences. The focus is on an exploration of who you are, what you do and what you feel in the present and how this is connected to your past experiences. This gives a deeper understanding of yourself and how you are in relationships. With understanding comes the possibility of real and lasting change.

What do I offer?

There is no need for you to decide whether you are looking for Counselling or for Psychotherapy. In the initial session we will explore what you hope to gain from sessions. There may be a particular focus, you may have a more general dissatisfaction with the way your life is going or you may just wish to get to know yourself better. Initial goals will be set in this first session and the length of time you wish to spend in therapy discussed. This will be open to review at any time.

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